Monday, November 1, 2010

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Knob Creek

For my first entry into this blog I shall start with the drink I have in front of me: Knob Creek. I purchased this small, 375 mL bottle today and decided to break it out as soon as I could.

A little history from the website:

Knob Creek® Bourbon was named after a little creek that runs just south of the distillery, the same creek that ran by Abraham Lincoln's childhood home. Booker Noe, 6th generation Beam and master distiller emeritus created Knob Creek to reflect the strength, flavor, care, and patience that defined pre-prohibition bourbon. The bottle embodies the handmade look and feel of the turn-of-the century bourbon as well. It is reminiscent of a bootlegger's flask with newspaper scrawled on the label, harkening back to the decade's old custom of wrapping bottles in newspaper at the distillery.

Knob Creek bourbon was created in the style of turn of the century bourbon. Knob Creek embodies the bold flavor that has made Kentucky famous for bourbon. Aged the longest of the Small Batch Bourbons – 9 years – in charred American white oak, it strikes the senses with a maple sugar aroma, distinctive sweetness and rich, full-bodied flavor
This National Champion Whiskey award winner is aged for 9 years in charred oak barrels, has a 50% alcohol content, and is distilled by the Jim Beam company as part of its Small Batch series of whiskeys.

The Look: Very thick on the glass; the color of maple syrup

The Smell:
Particularly sweet for a whiskey; not as "perfumey" as Jack Daniels. A somewhat covered scent of pure vanilla.

The Taste: The moment it hit my tongue was an instant of joy. It was sweet and rich and cool. After about 6 seconds it wears off and you start to feel the burn which is not too powerful and as such is oddly pleasant. It is fairly viscous and enjoyable to swirl around your mouth.

The Aftertaste: Fairly easy going down, even from the first sip. The trip down reminds me of the flavor of Jack Daniels with the smoothness of Crown Royal. Tart when I swallowed. It remains warm in your mouth for quite sometime, although the warmth in your throat dies out pretty quickly. I have the urge to take another taste!

Rating? 8

Enjoy? Yes!

This was an extremely enjoyable hard liquor. Within my currently limited experience with drinks I rated this an 8, although I may have to amend that as I experience more. All the same, I have to say that while I usually am not fully enthusiastic about my next sip of the hard stuff, with this drink I kept coming back for more. Even now I feel the playful, not hurtful, fizz of the alcohol burn on the sides of my tongue. Very enjoyable!